Global Training Safety Solutions GTSS | Safety Training
We are Market Leaders in Health and Safety Training in Ireland. We offer online safety training and classroom based courses. Upskill by booking online today.
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Ofertă acum: Cursuri in limba Romana la GTS
Now Offering: Romanian language courses at GTS
La Global Training Solutions, oferim cursurile noastre in mai multe limbi straine, una dintre ele fiind limba Romana. Deoarece ne angajăm să oferim cea mai bună calitate a instruirii, cursurile noastre ori sunt prezentate de instructori Romani acreditati in Irlanda la centrul nostru din Blanchardstown, ori sunt traduse in clasa cu ajutorul traducătorilor autorizați, cu experienta indelungata si selectați personal de noi.
At Global Training Solutions, we offer our courses in several foreign languages, one of them being Romanian. Because we are committed to providing the best quality of training, our courses are either presented by Irish instructors accredited in Ireland at our Blanchardstown center, or translated into the classroom by licensed, experienced translators and personally selected by us.
Browse GTSS Training Today:

Safe Pass Courses
Get certified in one day

Forklift Driver Safety Courses
Learn to drive a forklift

Scissors & Boom Lift Courses
Learn to operate a MEWP

Confined Spaces Courses
Work safely in tight spaces

Manual Handling Courses
Learn how to lift safely

First Aid Response (FAR) Training Course
Respond to accidents at work

Working At Heights Courses
Work safely at heights.

Abrasive Wheels Courses
Safely use abrasive wheels.
Book Your Safety Training Today:
Browse our course directory and upcoming training calendar to find a course that suits your safety training needs. We have over 50 courses to choose from. Our courses are available online as well as in our offices in Dublin 15. All courses can be booked online today with no payment required until the course start date.Â